Resolution: Fixed
It is my intention to fix
which will resolve suppressed warnings about Class.newInstance()
We currently are suppressing all deprecation warnings for
the java.desktop module and my reward for not getting around
to this quickly is to find that when Applet, AppletContext,
AudioClip and JApplet were all deprecated this existing
suppression hid a lot of warnings about these.
The intention with newInstance is to fix the code .. but
in the case of these Applet classes suppressing is the right
answer. So first I need to fix all those before getting to newInstance
which will resolve suppressed warnings about Class.newInstance()
We currently are suppressing all deprecation warnings for
the java.desktop module and my reward for not getting around
to this quickly is to find that when Applet, AppletContext,
AudioClip and JApplet were all deprecated this existing
suppression hid a lot of warnings about these.
The intention with newInstance is to fix the code .. but
in the case of these Applet classes suppressing is the right
answer. So first I need to fix all those before getting to newInstance