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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8145092 Use Unified Logging for the GC logging
  3. JDK-8170636

Release Note: Use Unified Logging for GC logging


    • gc
    • Verified

      The logging for all garbage collectors in HotSpot have been changed to make use of a new logging framework that is configured through the `-Xlog` command line option. The command line flags `-XX:+PrintGC, -XX:+PrintGCDetails` and `-Xloggc` have been deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release. They are currently mapped to similar `-Xlog` configurations.
      All other flags that were used to control garbage collection logging have been removed. See the documentation for `-Xlog` for details on how to now configure and control the logging. These are the flags that were removed:

      `CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure`, `CMSPrintEdenSurvivorChunks`, `G1LogLevel`, `G1PrintHeapRegions`, `G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo`, `G1SummarizeConcMark`, `G1SummarizeRSetStats`, `G1TraceConcRefinement`, `G1TraceEagerReclaimHumongousObjects`, `G1TraceStringSymbolTableScrubbing`, `GCLogFileSize`, `NumberOfGCLogFiles`, `PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy`, `PrintClassHistogramAfterFullGC`, `PrintClassHistogramBeforeFullGC`, `PrintCMSInitiationStatistics`, `PrintCMSStatistics`, `PrintFLSCensus`, `PrintFLSStatistics`, `PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime`, `PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime`, `PrintGCCause`, `PrintGCDateStamps`, `PrintGCID`, `PrintGCTaskTimeStamps`, `PrintGCTimeStamps`, `PrintHeapAtGC`, `PrintHeapAtGCExtended`, `PrintJNIGCStalls`, `PrintOldPLAB`, `PrintParallelOldGCPhaseTimes`, `PrintPLAB`, `PrintPromotionFailure`, `PrintReferenceGC`, `PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics`, `PrintTaskqueue`, `PrintTenuringDistribution`, `PrintTerminationStats`, `PrintTLAB`, `TraceDynamicGCThreads`, `TraceMetadataHumongousAllocation`, `UseGCLogFileRotation`, `VerifySilently`

            sjohanss Stefan Johansson
            pssu Paul Su
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