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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8170859

Run time and tool support for ModuleResolution


    • b150

      Tool support: add two new options to the jmod and jar tools to populate the fields of the ModuleResolution attribute.

       1) The `--warn-if-resolved` option which takes exactly one of three possible arguments: `deprecated`, `deprecated-for-removal`, or `incubating`.

       2) The '--do-not-resolve-by-default` option, which takes no argument.

      These options are mentioned in the incubator module JEP [1] and will be documented in JEP 261 [2]. They are omitted from `--help` output, as they are not of broad interest.

      As per JEP 11 [1], at link and run time an unsuppressible warning will be emitted if a module that has `--warn-if-resolved=incubating` is resolved. At run time, modules that are `do-not-resolve-by-default` will be omitted from the initial set of root modules and subsequent service binding, unless explicitly added by the `--add-modules` command line option, or an explicit `requires` clause.

      [1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/11
      [2] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261

            chegar Chris Hegarty
            chegar Chris Hegarty
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