There are some inconsistent and inappropriate jar usage msgs after the gnu-command-line-style support was add into jdk9 jar implementation. For example
jar tc foo.jar
jar: You must specify one of -ctxui options.
Try `jar --help' for more information.
jar --list --create foo.jar
You may not specify more than one '-cuxti' options
jar: You must specify one of -ctxui options.
Try `jar --help' for more information.
expected output:
jar tc foo.jar / jar --list --create foo.jar
You may not specify more than one '-cuxid' options
Try 'jar --help' for more information
jar tc foo.jar
jar: You must specify one of -ctxui options.
Try `jar --help' for more information.
jar --list --create foo.jar
You may not specify more than one '-cuxti' options
jar: You must specify one of -ctxui options.
Try `jar --help' for more information.
expected output:
jar tc foo.jar / jar --list --create foo.jar
You may not specify more than one '-cuxid' options
Try 'jar --help' for more information