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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8171082

[AOT] AOT'd SystemModules.modules() fails to load when too large


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 9
    • 9
    • hotspot
    • b156
    • x86_64
    • linux

        -------- Forwarded Message --------
        Subject: Re: AOT'd SystemModules.modules() fails to load when too large
        Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 10:49:18 +0300
        From: Dmitry Chuyko <dmitry.chuyko@oracle.com>
        To: Claes Redestad <claes.redestad@oracle.com>, Mandy Chung <mandy.chung@oracle.com>, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman@oracle.com>, Dean Long <dean.long@oracle.com>

        On 12/12/2016 02:48 AM, Claes Redestad wrote:
        > Hi guys,
        > last week I had Dmitry visit Stockholm to work on integrating
        > semi-automated AOT testing into aurora.se.oracle.com, and as it happens
        > we took a look at why AOT fails to provide any speedup on Hello World -
        > in fact there's even a slight regression on some systems when looking
        > at real time (I realize the subject somewhat spoils a good story...).
        > Now, one hammer I had laying around was to run a fastdebug AOT build
        > with -XX:+TraceBytecodes enabled, since any time the AOT code switches
        > to the interpreter and back is sure to be quite costly (orders of
        > magnitude more than simply executing another bytecode)...
        > ... and the experiment showed a minor surprise: the only method that's
        > executed in the interpreter is SystemModules.modules(), and by my
        > estimate we do around 10 000 transitions between AOT compiled code and
        > interpreter in this method alone, which might add up to quite a few
        > milliseconds.
        > So, why does this happen for this particular method? Well, we quickly
        > ruled out various silly things ("maybe it's not using jrt:/?"), and got
        > it down to a few far-fetched ideas such as "maybe AOT doesn't cope with
        > really big methods?" and "maybe it needs the class major version to be
        > 53/the same as the one in the jmod to generate a correct
        > fingerprint?".
        > At least the first idea is easy to put to the test by generating a
        > minimal image - which should generate a much smaller
        > SystemModules.modules method - and see if the method is interpreted
        > or not:
        > bin/jlink --module-path .. --add-modules java.base,jdk.aot --output
        > jdk.aot
        > cd jdk.aot
        > bin/jaotc -J-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures
        > -J-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -J-XX:-UseAOT -J-Xmx4g --info
        > --module java.base
        > bin/java -XX:+UseAOT -XX:AOTLibrary=./unnamed.so -XX:+TraceBytecodes
        > -version
        > java version "9-internal"
        > Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (fastdebug build
        > 9-internal+0-2016-12-08-151426.clredest.aot)
        > Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (fastdebug build
        > 9-internal+0-2016-12-08-151426.clredest.aot, mixed mode, aot)
        > 0 bytecodes executed in 0.2s (0.000MHz)
        > [BytecodeCounter::counter_value = 0]
        > The only way I can interpret this is that if the modules() method is
        > small enough, AOT deals with it effortlessly.
        > I think we need to acknowledge that this is an issue with the
        > interaction between AOT and the way jigsaw works (it's understandable
        > that no-one in the AOT project caught this early since it's been under
        > development in parallel to jigsaw for quite some time).
        > One obvious way to fix it from our side is to refactor the modules()
        > method into chunks, which of course might become messy since it's all
        > generated code. Another - perhaps easier? - fix would be to add an
        > exception into the AOT code to allow this one method to be huge.
        > Dmitry, I assume this might be kind of important to the AOT project
        > since it blocks the AOT project from showing any promise of speeding
        > up small apps (which is kind of the whole point of the project), correct?
        Yes, it's important at least for HelloWorld-sized programs.

        Tried with pre-integration 2016-12-10-015803.vkozlov.aot_graal_final:

        $ 2016-12-10-fastdebug/bin/java -XX:+TraceBytecodes -XX:+UseAOT -XX:AOTLibrary=./2016-12-10-fastdebug/libjava.base-coop.so test.HelloWorld | grep SystemModules | grep -v getstatic

        [7394] static jobject jdk.internal.module.SystemModules.modules()

        $ 2016-12-10-fastdebug/bin/java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -Xlog:aot+class+fingerprint=trace -XX:+UseAOT -XX:AOTLibrary=./2016-12-10-fastdebug/libjava.base-coop.so test.HelloWorld
        <empty output>

        $ 2016-12-10-fastdebug/bin/java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UseAOTStrictLoading -XX:+PrintAOT -XX:+UseAOT -XX:AOTLibrary=./2016-12-10-fastdebug/libjava.base-coop.so test.HelloWorld | grep SystemModules
            260 5460 aot[ 1] jdk.internal.module.SystemModules.<clinit>()V

        We also see that SystemModules.modules() is aot'ed as part of java.base.

        > Thanks!
        > /Claes

              rbackman Rickard Backman (Inactive)
              dchuyko Dmitry Chuyko
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