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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8171215

Exception: java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException when ant -f build.xml is executed for secondary launchers in oracle linux 7.0


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P2 P2
    • 9
    • 9
    • deploy

      Please go through Environment: section for Test Environment of bug before reading this content.

      Steps to reproduce
      1. Verify java -version produces build 148 result in output.
      2. Verify ant -version produces ant 1.9.7 result in output.
      3. modify the following parameters in downloaded secondarylauncher_linux.xml

           a. <taskdef classpath="..." ===> points to jar file $JAVA_HOME/lib/ant-javafx.jar
      b. <fx:runtime>
                          <fx:module-path value="/export/home/gtee/Desktop/ramesh/jdk-9/jmods:/export/home/gtee/Desktop/ramesh/secondarylaunchermodjars"/> ===> this should be path of '$JAVA_HOME/jmods' and folder of downloaded 'com.greetings.jar'

         after modifications save the file.
      4. execute sudo rm -rf /tmp/*
      5. execute command "ant -f secondarylauncher_linux.xml" at the command line.
      6. you will see the output bundle "couplesecondarylauncherstest_ant_modularjar_rpm-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm" in bundles folder.
      7. navigate to bundles folder and execute command "sudo rpm -ivh couplesecondarylauncherstest_ant_modularjar_rpm-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm" at the command line.
      8. navigate to folder /opt/CoupleSecondaryLaunchersTest_ANT_ModularJar_rpm and check the executables "CoupleSecondaryLaunchersTest_ANT_ModularJar_rpm", "app2" and "app3" are present

      please check the log "secondarylauncher_linux.log" for actual output of ant -f secondarylauncher_linux.xml, in secondarylauncher_linux.log check for contents "Exception: java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException:"

      app2 and app3 executables should be available in "Step 8" of Steps to reproduce, currently these executables are missing.

      and below snapshot of contents of "/opt/CoupleSecondaryLaunchersTest_ANT_ModularJar_rpm" is proof of missing executables app2 and app3.

      bash-4.2$ pwd
      bash-4.2$ ls
      app app2.png app3.png CoupleSecondaryLaunchersTest_ANT_ModularJar_rpm.desktop libpackager.so
      app2.desktop app3.desktop CoupleSecondaryLaunchersTest_ANT_ModularJar_rpm CoupleSecondaryLaunchersTest_ANT_ModularJar_rpm.png runtime


            vdrozdov Victor Drozdov (Inactive)
            rgangadhar Ramesh Gangadhar
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