ObjectMonitor verify() and print() methods are empty
I failed to find any actual calls to print() and only one call to verify()
verify is called from the following code in ObjectSynchronizer::verify() :
for (int i = 1; i < _BLOCKSIZE; i++) {
ObjectMonitor* mid = (ObjectMonitor *)(block + i);
oop object = (oop)mid->object();
if (object != NULL) {
This code (in my understanding) does not do any checks and is dead too
I failed to find any actual calls to print() and only one call to verify()
verify is called from the following code in ObjectSynchronizer::verify() :
for (int i = 1; i < _BLOCKSIZE; i++) {
ObjectMonitor* mid = (ObjectMonitor *)(block + i);
oop object = (oop)mid->object();
if (object != NULL) {
This code (in my understanding) does not do any checks and is dead too