Steps to reproduce
1. Download latest 150 ea build from artifacts website.
2. extract the build to a folder say 'jdk150' and set export
JAVA_HOME='jdk150' and export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
3. download the attached simple normal jar to folder 'simplenormaljar'
4. execute the following command at command line.
javapackager -deploy -verbose -BmainJar=com.greetings.jar -srcdir simplenormaljar -srcfiles com.greetings.jar -Bclasspath=com.greetings.jar -appclass com.greetings.App1 -outdir bundles -native rpm -name SimpleTest
5. check the attached log "build150_error_log.txt" for complete execution log.
here is the snippet of error i am facing
Failed to find library. /opt/SimpleTest/runtime/lib/amd64/jli/
SimpleTest Failed to locate JLI_Launch
SimpleTest Failed to launch JVM
6. Also Check the following contents in log file.
Module jdk.crypto.pkcs11 does not exist.
Module java.httpclient does not exist.
1. Download latest 150 ea build from artifacts website.
2. extract the build to a folder say 'jdk150' and set export
JAVA_HOME='jdk150' and export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
3. download the attached simple normal jar to folder 'simplenormaljar'
4. execute the following command at command line.
javapackager -deploy -verbose -BmainJar=com.greetings.jar -srcdir simplenormaljar -srcfiles com.greetings.jar -Bclasspath=com.greetings.jar -appclass com.greetings.App1 -outdir bundles -native rpm -name SimpleTest
5. check the attached log "build150_error_log.txt" for complete execution log.
here is the snippet of error i am facing
Failed to find library. /opt/SimpleTest/runtime/lib/amd64/jli/
SimpleTest Failed to locate JLI_Launch
SimpleTest Failed to launch JVM
6. Also Check the following contents in log file.
Module jdk.crypto.pkcs11 does not exist.
Module java.httpclient does not exist.
- duplicates
JDK-8157913 Launcher can not find path to
- Resolved