1. Remove random UUID in UserFriendlyJvmOptionsTest.
2. close the streams in method "checkIfExecutablesAvailableInBinDir(Path)" in classes
due to which uninstalling is not happening properly for test case "com.oracle.appbundlers.tests.functionality.jdk9test.CheckExecutablesAvailableTest"
3. close all streams which are not handled properly in test suite.
4. apply filter for method "public ExtensionType[] getExtensionArray()" in UnnamedModuleDependsOn3rdPartyModulesBundledWithEntireJreTest so then it compiles only required ExtensionType instead of generating all Extension types.
5. Remove this check in module test files
if(extension != ExtensionType.NormalJar) {
in "public void overrideParameters(ExtensionType javaExtensionType)" method
6. Rename the following test cases to short names since number of characters for file path + filename is exceeding limit of 260 characters in windows.
for e.g. in aurora machines, "gtee" is the user name by default so following path exceeding 260 characters limit in windows.
a. NamedModuleBundledWithMinimumModulesAnd3rdPartyModulesTest ===> NamedModuleDependsOn3rdPartyModulesTest
b. UnnamedModuleDependsOn3rdPartyModulesBundledWithEntireJreTest ===> UnnamedModuleDependsOn3rdPartyModulesTest
c. UnnamedModuleDependsOnOtherJarsBundledWithEntireJre ===> UnnamedModuleDependsOnOtherJarsTest
7. Make each and every Test case in JmodExplodedModuleAndModularJarDependencyTest unique in testng result suite.
8. Fix failing test case BundlerLoadingTest
2. close the streams in method "checkIfExecutablesAvailableInBinDir(Path)" in classes
due to which uninstalling is not happening properly for test case "com.oracle.appbundlers.tests.functionality.jdk9test.CheckExecutablesAvailableTest"
3. close all streams which are not handled properly in test suite.
4. apply filter for method "public ExtensionType[] getExtensionArray()" in UnnamedModuleDependsOn3rdPartyModulesBundledWithEntireJreTest so then it compiles only required ExtensionType instead of generating all Extension types.
5. Remove this check in module test files
if(extension != ExtensionType.NormalJar) {
in "public void overrideParameters(ExtensionType javaExtensionType)" method
6. Rename the following test cases to short names since number of characters for file path + filename is exceeding limit of 260 characters in windows.
for e.g. in aurora machines, "gtee" is the user name by default so following path exceeding 260 characters limit in windows.
a. NamedModuleBundledWithMinimumModulesAnd3rdPartyModulesTest ===> NamedModuleDependsOn3rdPartyModulesTest
b. UnnamedModuleDependsOn3rdPartyModulesBundledWithEntireJreTest ===> UnnamedModuleDependsOn3rdPartyModulesTest
c. UnnamedModuleDependsOnOtherJarsBundledWithEntireJre ===> UnnamedModuleDependsOnOtherJarsTest
7. Make each and every Test case in JmodExplodedModuleAndModularJarDependencyTest unique in testng result suite.
8. Fix failing test case BundlerLoadingTest