The current implementation of jdeps requires to specify the root module via --add-modules or -m options for analysis. It'd be user-friendlier if jdeps detects if the module specified in --require or --check option is observable in the image.
$ jdeps -I --require jdk.compiler --add-modules ALL-SYSTEM
Inverse transitive dependences on [jdk.compiler]
jdk.compiler <- jdk.rmic
jdk.compiler <- jdk.jdeps <- jdk.jlink
jdk.compiler <- jdk.xml.bind <-
jdk.compiler <- jdk.jshell
jdk.compiler <- jdk.javadoc <- jdk.rmic
$ jdeps --list-deps -m jdk.compiler
<print nothing>
In addition, jdeps --list-deps does not work properly with -m option. It currently only prints the output if the input is unnamed module.
$ jdeps -I --require jdk.compiler --add-modules ALL-SYSTEM
Inverse transitive dependences on [jdk.compiler]
jdk.compiler <- jdk.rmic
jdk.compiler <- jdk.jdeps <- jdk.jlink
jdk.compiler <- jdk.xml.bind <-
jdk.compiler <- jdk.jshell
jdk.compiler <- jdk.javadoc <- jdk.rmic
$ jdeps --list-deps -m jdk.compiler
<print nothing>
In addition, jdeps --list-deps does not work properly with -m option. It currently only prints the output if the input is unnamed module.