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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8175866

Solaris install docs make reference to packages they should not


        According to http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7159334 , the SUNWj7dmx package is not in the tar.Z install bundle.

        Demos was removed from pkg tar.Z bundle(see CR 7066713), there is a separate Demos&Samples bundle since 7u2 b08/6u32 b04. But Solaris patches still contain SUNWj7dmo/SUNWj6dmo.
        64 bit packages are SUNWj7dmx/SUNWj6dmx

        demo packages should remain in the existing Solaris patches. Just because they are there doesn't mean they get installed, only if the end user have them installed on the system will they be patched."


            The link above is the Solaris OS Install Directions for the JDK. The SUNWj7dmx package is mentioned in the tar.Z portion of the directions. This is confusing to some of our customers as, according to the cited bug, the SUNWj7dmx package shouldn't be part of the tar.Z bundle.

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              rgallard Raymond Gallardo
              mpalmerj Marc Palmerjohnson
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