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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8175883

bytecode generated for the enhanced for loop may block memory garbage collecting


    • b33
    • generic
    • generic

      If a "for" loop iterates over a large list/array it keeps a temporary (implicit auto-generated) reference to the memory, and this memory might be locked for garbage collecting in the next steps which causes OutOfMemoryError.

      The problem might happen if one uses:
        - a large list or arrays which allocates, for example, more than half of available heap space
        - a new list/array should be allocated immediately after the "for" loop and the old one expected to be discarded

      As soon as explicit reference to any (large) memory block is released it should be available for collecting as a garbage, otherwise an application may fall to OutOfMemoryError.

      I found this example when i needed to process two large XML files: after parsing the first one i fell to OutOfMemoryError when i tried to parse the second one, and i discarded on declared references to the previously parsed XML file. Note, if i avoid "for" loop and use explicit "Iterator-while-hasNext-next-iterator=null" construction - the application works fine.

      In the examples below i simplified the issue demonstration.

      EXPECTED -
      No OutOfMemoryError when i don't have any explicit references to allocated memory.

      As soon as "for" block is finished the platform (not sure javac or JVM) must release those auto-generated implicit reference and make the memory block available for garbage collecting.
      ACTUAL -
      The program falls to OutOfMemoryError.

      The program keeps it's own implicit auto-generated reference to the memory block till next implicit usage. If one tries to allocate a memory before that "next implicit usage" - OutOfMemoryError occurs.

      ---------- BEGIN SOURCE ----------
      * See more examples here: https://bitbucket.org/snippets/radistao/geerj
      * <p>
       * Run with:
       * <pre>javac IteratorInOneScope.java && java IteratorInOneScope</pre>
       * and try two cases:<ul>
       * <li>with the <b>for</b> loop: falls to <i>java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space</i></li>
       * <li>without <b>for</b> loop: completes successfully</li>
       * </ul>
       * <p>
       * <b>Conclusion</b>: <b>for</b> loop created automatically a (temporary) reference to a memory block,
       * but has not released it after usage before the next memory allocation.
      public class IteratorInOneScope {

          private static final int HALF_OF_MEMORY = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() * 0.5);

          public static void main(String[] args) {
              byte[] data = new byte[HALF_OF_MEMORY];

              for (byte b : data); // <-- if you comment this line - the application finished successfully
              data = null; // this expects to discard reference -> allow to release the memory

              byte[] data2 = new byte[HALF_OF_MEMORY]; // the memory can't be allocated second time, if the "for" loop statement above is used

      ---------- END SOURCE ----------

      See more examples and workarounds in this snippet:

      1. If you avoid those "for" loops - it works fine (no OutOfMemoryError)

      2. If you use explicit code block with final nullify, like
          Iterator itr = list.iterator();
          while (itr.hasNext()) {
              Object t = itr.next();
          itr = null; // <-- saves our souls
      3. If you make intermediate operations between the "for" loop and the next memory allocation - it may work fine, but guess there is not guarantee that exactly the same reference will be reused in those intermediate operation (see example https://bitbucket.org/snippets/radistao/geerj#file-IteratorInOtherScope.java where "System.gc()" or "double d = Math.random()" is used before second allocation)

      4. The first open investigation started here
      as the explantation why those implicit reference occur.

      5. Tested on versions from 1.8.0_111 and 1.8.0_121, macos and windows, + 3 online java compilers (like this one: https://ideone.com/GJ1qoI )

            vromero Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar
            webbuggrp Webbug Group
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