Hotspot creates new threads with the stack size specified by -Xss. It uses pthread_attr_setstacksize() to do that. On xgene systems it's been observed that the call to pthread_attr_setstacksize() is failing with EINVAL when small stack sizes are specified, so we end up with the default 8mb stack size. This happens when the stack size is less than PTHREAD_STACK_MIN. On xgene we allow stack sizes as small as 72k (based on a computation of the minimum size needed), so basically any -Xss stack size of 72k to 124k will produce this result. This means users trying to minimize stack sizes might actually end up doing the opposite when choosing these smaller sizes.
This fix should be simple. When we compute _java_thread_min_stack_allowed, we should always round up to PTHREAD_STACK_MIN. This will causes -Xss stack sizes less than 128k to produce an error message saying the minimum allowed is 128k.
This fix should be simple. When we compute _java_thread_min_stack_allowed, we should always round up to PTHREAD_STACK_MIN. This will causes -Xss stack sizes less than 128k to produce an error message saying the minimum allowed is 128k.
- relates to
JDK-8175342 assert(InstanceKlass::cast(k)->is_initialized()) failed: need to increase java_thread_min_stack_allowed calculation
- Closed