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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8176836

Provide Taglet with context


    • b163
    • Verified

        Currently the new Taglet provides access to the content of a an instance of a javadoc tag, but provides no other contextual info.

        At a minimum, it would help to have access to the Element with the comment that contains the taglet instances. Once you start working with elements, it is helpful to be able to access the Language Model utility classes Elements and Types, which can be accessed from the DocletEnvironment object.

        It is conceivable that a taglet might want access to the doclet that created it, although we have no specific use cases for that at this time. This would allow the taglet to influence the content of other pages that the doclet might eventually generate.

              jjg Jonathan Gibbons
              jjg Jonathan Gibbons
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