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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8177146

MethodHandles.Lookup::bind allows illegal protected access

        MethodHandles.Lookup::bind allows to create a method handle for an inherited protected member bound to an instance of a parent class.
        That's forbidden by the protected access rules. JVMS 4.9.2 says: "If invokevirtual or invokespecial is used to access a protected method declared in a superclass that is a member of a different run-time package than the current class, then the type of the class instance being accessed must be the same as or a subclass of the current class."
        Other Lookup factories take that into account by restricting the receiver type (e.g. see the findVirtual + bindTo throwing CCE in the example)

        public class B extends A {
            public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
                // prints "B", as expected
                MethodHandle bound = lookup().bind(new B() , "m", MethodType.methodType(void.class));

                // prints "A", but should've thrown an exception (IAE or CCE?)
                MethodHandle bound2 = lookup().bind(new A() , "m", MethodType.methodType(void.class));

                // throws CCE
                lookup().findVirtual(A.class, "m", MethodType.methodType(void.class))
                        .bindTo(new A());

        package pkg;
        public class A {
            protected void m() {

              psandoz Paul Sandoz
              slukyanov Stanislav Lukyanov (Inactive)
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