Color palette of ColorPicker control does not support standard colors like Color.RED, Color.BLUE etc.
Note : The color palette has variations of these colors, but standard version like Color.RED (255,0,0) is missing.
Whilst user can always use 'Custom Colors' to define such colors, I think, it is a much common use case and we should consider providing these colors in color palette.
Note : The color palette has variations of these colors, but standard version like Color.RED (255,0,0) is missing.
Whilst user can always use 'Custom Colors' to define such colors, I think, it is a much common use case and we should consider providing these colors in color palette.
- csr for
JDK-8201590 Add standard colors in ColorPicker color palette
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-8201589 Provide translation for newly added standard color names
- Open