* Creates a compressor object for use in compressing TIFF data. This
* object may be passed to the
* {@link TIFFImageWriteParam#setTIFFCompressor(TIFFCompressor)}
* method to override the compressor of a supported compression type or
* to provide the implementation of the compression algorithm of an
* unsupported compression type.
public TIFFCompressor(String compressionType,
int compressionTagValue,
boolean isCompressionLossless) {
Note that TIFFImageWriteParam#setTIFFCompressor(TIFFCompressor)} does not exist
* Creates a compressor object for use in compressing TIFF data. This
* object may be passed to the
* {@link TIFFImageWriteParam#setTIFFCompressor(TIFFCompressor)}
* method to override the compressor of a supported compression type or
* to provide the implementation of the compression algorithm of an
* unsupported compression type.
public TIFFCompressor(String compressionType,
int compressionTagValue,
boolean isCompressionLossless) {
Note that TIFFImageWriteParam#setTIFFCompressor(TIFFCompressor)} does not exist