The Ensemble8.jar file produced by our build has duplicate LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt files copied from the two Lucene jar files:
$ jar tvf Ensemble8.jar
16098 Mon May 30 22:52:10 PDT 2011 META-INF/LICENSE.txt
4766 Mon May 30 22:52:10 PDT 2011 META-INF/NOTICE.txt
16098 Mon May 30 22:52:10 PDT 2011 META-INF/LICENSE.txt
4766 Mon May 30 22:52:10 PDT 2011 META-INF/NOTICE.txt
In addition to the problem if having more than one file of the same name (e.g., signing or any other operation that unpacks the file won't work), the name is misleading. These files do not contain the LICENSE and NOTICE for Ensemble itself, but for the embedded Lucene software.
We need to remove the duplicates and rename the single files to LUCENE_LICENSE.TXT and LUCENE_NOTICE.TXT, respectively.
$ jar tvf Ensemble8.jar
16098 Mon May 30 22:52:10 PDT 2011 META-INF/LICENSE.txt
4766 Mon May 30 22:52:10 PDT 2011 META-INF/NOTICE.txt
16098 Mon May 30 22:52:10 PDT 2011 META-INF/LICENSE.txt
4766 Mon May 30 22:52:10 PDT 2011 META-INF/NOTICE.txt
In addition to the problem if having more than one file of the same name (e.g., signing or any other operation that unpacks the file won't work), the name is misleading. These files do not contain the LICENSE and NOTICE for Ensemble itself, but for the embedded Lucene software.
We need to remove the duplicates and rename the single files to LUCENE_LICENSE.TXT and LUCENE_NOTICE.TXT, respectively.
- duplicates
JDK-8178275 Ensemble: Upgrade version of Lucene to 7.1.0
- Resolved