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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8178538

Can't start JMX/tool agents into application running on the JRE or start with `java -m <module>`


       `java -m <module>` does not resolve the jdk.management.agent or java.instrument modules unless they are transitively required by the initial module (or `--add-modules` is used to add them as roots). This means that tools cannot start the JMX agent or load a tool agent into the running VM.

      Additionally, the refactoring in JDK-8173608 means that the jdk.management.agent is not resolved by default for applications deployed with the JRE.

      There are several approaches to addressing these issue. This JIRA issue is a placeholder for now until a preferred approach emerges.

            alanb Alan Bateman
            alanb Alan Bateman
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