in com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.fx.ui.ErrorPane, clicking on "Details" button will throw the following exception trying to show the console:
java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.fx.ui.ErrorPane$1 (in module javafx.deploy) cannot access class sun.plugin.JavaRunTime (in module jdk.plugin) because module jdk.plugin does not export sun.plugin to module javafx.deploy^M
this is due to reflection code:
Class cls = Class.forName("sun.plugin.JavaRunTime");
Method m = cls.getDeclaredMethod(
"showJavaConsole", new Class[] {boolean.class});
m.invoke(null, true);
java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.fx.ui.ErrorPane$1 (in module javafx.deploy) cannot access class sun.plugin.JavaRunTime (in module jdk.plugin) because module jdk.plugin does not export sun.plugin to module javafx.deploy^M
this is due to reflection code:
Class cls = Class.forName("sun.plugin.JavaRunTime");
Method m = cls.getDeclaredMethod(
"showJavaConsole", new Class[] {boolean.class});
m.invoke(null, true);