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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8183990

compilation error for test/com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher/DES/PerformanceTest.java


    • b15

      compilation error for test/com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher/DES/PerformanceTest.java (this is a manual test)

      error: unmappable character (0xAD) for encoding UTF-8
          /* Smilla decides to embark upon her own investigations but soon finds herself running up against a brick wall. Isaiah's mother, Juliane, mistrusts her and the authorities also make life difficult for Smilla. But she won't let go. Then there's this mechanic \ufffd a reticent, inscrutable sort of guy \ufffd who lives in the same apartment building. He also knew the boy and even constructed a workbench for him in his cellar workshop. The mechanic tells Smilla that he'd like to help her, but then again, he may just be one of those who seem to want to dog her heels. End ".getBytes();*/
      /home/oracle/workspace/jdk/jdk10/jdk10/jdk/test/com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher/DES/PerformanceTest.java:65: error: unmappable character (0xAD) for encoding UTF-8
          /* Smilla decides to embark upon her own investigations but soon finds herself running up against a brick wall. Isaiah's mother, Juliane, mistrusts her and the authorities also make life difficult for Smilla. But she won't let go. Then there's this mechanic \ufffd a reticent, inscrutable sort of guy \ufffd who lives in the same apartment building. He also knew the boy and even constructed a workbench for him in his cellar workshop. The mechanic tells Smilla that he'd like to help her, but then again, he may just be one of those who seem to want to dog her heels. End ".getBytes();*/
      2 errors
      result: Failed. Compilation failed: Compilation failed

            mli Hamlin Li
            mli Hamlin Li
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