Resolution: Fixed
The "<p>" in the following text, at about line 156 in SourceCodeAnalysis.java is redundant,
and shows up in reports by "tidy" on the generated docs.
* Only preliminary compilation is performed, sufficient to build the
* {@code Snippet}. Snippets known to be erroneous, are returned as
* {@link ErroneousSnippet}, other snippets may or may not be in error.
* <p>
* @param input The input String to convert
* @return usually a singleton list of Snippet, but may be empty or multiple
* @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JShell} instance is closed.
The <p> should be deleted.
As a general rule, only use <p> at the beginning of a paragraph, when it is immediately
followed by text to appear in that paragraph.
Don't use <p> at the end of a paragraph or before block tags.
-- Jon
and shows up in reports by "tidy" on the generated docs.
* Only preliminary compilation is performed, sufficient to build the
* {@code Snippet}. Snippets known to be erroneous, are returned as
* {@link ErroneousSnippet}, other snippets may or may not be in error.
* <p>
* @param input The input String to convert
* @return usually a singleton list of Snippet, but may be empty or multiple
* @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JShell} instance is closed.
The <p> should be deleted.
As a general rule, only use <p> at the beginning of a paragraph, when it is immediately
followed by text to appear in that paragraph.
Don't use <p> at the end of a paragraph or before block tags.
-- Jon