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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8187432

ListView: EditEvent on start has incorrect index


      the index of the startEditEvent must be the index where editing is started. As demonstrated in the failing test below, it is -1.

      The reason seems to be in ListCell.startEdit where the event is created using list.editingIndex which still is -1 when the start is triggered from the cell (vs. triggered by someone else doing a list.editCell(someIndex)):


               // Inform the ListView of the edit starting.
              if (list != null) {
                  list.fireEvent(new ListView.EditEvent<T>(list,

      A fix would be to use cell's index in the event.

      The failing test:

          public void testListEditStartOnCellStandalone() {
              ListView<String> control = new ListView<>(FXCollections
                      .observableArrayList("Item1", "Item2", "Item3", "Item4"));
              new StageLoader(control);
              int editIndex = 1;
              // cell retrieved via VirtualFlowTestUtils
              IndexedCell cell = getCell(control, editIndex);
              ObjectProperty<ListView.EditEvent> editEvent = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
              control.addEventHandler(ListView.editStartEvent(), e -> editEvent.set(e));
              // start edit on cell
              // test cell state
              assertEquals(editIndex, cell.getIndex());
              // test editEvent
              assertEquals("type is startEdit", ListView.editStartEvent(), editEvent.get().getEventType());
              assertEquals("index on start event", editIndex, editEvent.get().getIndex());

            aghaisas Ajit Ghaisas
            fastegal Jeanette Winzenburg
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
