Fix BasicStroke.createCenteredStrokedShape() to use the Marlin renderer instead of Java Pisces renderer (and its Dasher / Stroker operations):
import com.sun.openpisces.Dasher;
import com.sun.openpisces.Stroker;
import com.sun.prism.impl.shape.OpenPiscesPrismUtils;
public Shape createCenteredStrokedShape(Shape s) {
Path2D p2d = new Path2D(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO);
float lw = (type == TYPE_CENTERED) ? width : width * 2.0f;
PathConsumer2D pc2d =
new Stroker(p2d, lw, cap, join, miterLimit);
if (dash != null) {
pc2d = new Dasher(pc2d, dash, dashPhase);
OpenPiscesPrismUtils.feedConsumer(s.getPathIterator(null), pc2d);
return p2d;
import com.sun.openpisces.Dasher;
import com.sun.openpisces.Stroker;
import com.sun.prism.impl.shape.OpenPiscesPrismUtils;
public Shape createCenteredStrokedShape(Shape s) {
Path2D p2d = new Path2D(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO);
float lw = (type == TYPE_CENTERED) ? width : width * 2.0f;
PathConsumer2D pc2d =
new Stroker(p2d, lw, cap, join, miterLimit);
if (dash != null) {
pc2d = new Dasher(pc2d, dash, dashPhase);
OpenPiscesPrismUtils.feedConsumer(s.getPathIterator(null), pc2d);
return p2d;