Resolution: Fixed
The source code below doesn't compile, fails with following error. According to this error the type of varValue is inferred by compiler as 'A<? super A<? super Object>>'. However according to the specification it should have been A<? super A<? extends Integer>> .
Compilation output:
Test.java:15: error: incompatible types: A<CAP#1> cannot be converted to A<? super A<? extends Integer>>
A<? super A<? extends Integer>> expectedTypeValue = varValue;
where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable:
CAP#1 extends Object super: A<? super Object> from capture of ? super A<? super Object>
1 error
Soure code:
class A<E> { }
public class Test {
<T> A<? super T> m(T t) {
return null;
<U> A<? super A<? extends U>> m2(A<? super U> u) {
return null;
void test() {
var varValue = m2(m(10));
A<? super A<? extends Integer>> expectedTypeValue = varValue;
Type of var is inferred as follows:
1. Type variable U in method m2 is inferred by applying Invocation Type Inference (18.5.2) as 'Integer <: Y1 <: Object'
2. As per chapter 15.12.3 capture conversion is applied to the return type: A<? super A<? extends U>> [U:=Y1]
Capture_conversion(A<? super A<? extends Y1>>) --> A< [A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object>] >
3. Type of varValue results from applying upward projection to A< [A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object>] > :
T = A< [A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object >] >
4. We proceed to following assertion:
If T is a parameterized class type or a parameterized interface type, G<A1, ..., An>, then the result is G<A1', ..., An'>, where, for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, Ai' is derived from Ai as follows:
A1 = [A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object]
5. We proceed to following assertion:
If Ai is a type that mentions a restricted type variable, then Ai' is a wildcard. Let U be the upward projection of Ai. There are three cases:
U = upward_projection([A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object]) = upward_projection(Object) = Object
So U = Object
6. Since U is Object, we proceed to the following assertion:
Otherwise, if the downward projection of Ai is L, then Ai' is a lower-bounded wildcard, ? super L.
L = Downward_projection([A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object]) = Downward_projection(A<? extends Y1>)
6.1. So we proceed to following assertion:
If T is a parameterized class type or a parameterized interface type, G<A1, ..., An>, then the result is G<A1', ..., An'>, if, for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, a type argument Ai' can be derived from Ai as follows; if not, the result is undefined:
A1 = ? extends [Integer <: Y1 <: Object]
6.2. So eventually we come to the following assertion:
If Ai is an upper-bounded wildcard that mentions a restricted type variable, then if the downward projection of the wildcard bound is U, then Ai' is a wildcard ? extends U; if the downward projection of the wildcard bound is undefined, then Ai' is undefined.
U = Downward_projection([Integer <: Y1 <: Object]) = Downward_projection(Integer) = Integer
So, U = Integer
A1' = ? extends Integer
6.3. So, Downward_projection([A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object]) = A<? extends Integer>
7. So we return to the calculation of upward projection.
L = A<? super Integer>
A1' = ? super L = ? super A<? extends Integer>
8. Upward_projection(A< [A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object] ) = A<A1'> = A<? super A<? extends Integer>>
Type of varValue is inferred as A<? super A<? extends Integer>>
The source code below doesn't compile, fails with following error. According to this error the type of varValue is inferred by compiler as 'A<? super A<? super Object>>'. However according to the specification it should have been A<? super A<? extends Integer>> .
Compilation output:
Test.java:15: error: incompatible types: A<CAP#1> cannot be converted to A<? super A<? extends Integer>>
A<? super A<? extends Integer>> expectedTypeValue = varValue;
where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable:
CAP#1 extends Object super: A<? super Object> from capture of ? super A<? super Object>
1 error
Soure code:
class A<E> { }
public class Test {
<T> A<? super T> m(T t) {
return null;
<U> A<? super A<? extends U>> m2(A<? super U> u) {
return null;
void test() {
var varValue = m2(m(10));
A<? super A<? extends Integer>> expectedTypeValue = varValue;
Type of var is inferred as follows:
1. Type variable U in method m2 is inferred by applying Invocation Type Inference (18.5.2) as 'Integer <: Y1 <: Object'
2. As per chapter 15.12.3 capture conversion is applied to the return type: A<? super A<? extends U>> [U:=Y1]
Capture_conversion(A<? super A<? extends Y1>>) --> A< [A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object>] >
3. Type of varValue results from applying upward projection to A< [A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object>] > :
T = A< [A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object >] >
4. We proceed to following assertion:
If T is a parameterized class type or a parameterized interface type, G<A1, ..., An>, then the result is G<A1', ..., An'>, where, for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, Ai' is derived from Ai as follows:
A1 = [A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object]
5. We proceed to following assertion:
If Ai is a type that mentions a restricted type variable, then Ai' is a wildcard. Let U be the upward projection of Ai. There are three cases:
U = upward_projection([A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object]) = upward_projection(Object) = Object
So U = Object
6. Since U is Object, we proceed to the following assertion:
Otherwise, if the downward projection of Ai is L, then Ai' is a lower-bounded wildcard, ? super L.
L = Downward_projection([A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object]) = Downward_projection(A<? extends Y1>)
6.1. So we proceed to following assertion:
If T is a parameterized class type or a parameterized interface type, G<A1, ..., An>, then the result is G<A1', ..., An'>, if, for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, a type argument Ai' can be derived from Ai as follows; if not, the result is undefined:
A1 = ? extends [Integer <: Y1 <: Object]
6.2. So eventually we come to the following assertion:
If Ai is an upper-bounded wildcard that mentions a restricted type variable, then if the downward projection of the wildcard bound is U, then Ai' is a wildcard ? extends U; if the downward projection of the wildcard bound is undefined, then Ai' is undefined.
U = Downward_projection([Integer <: Y1 <: Object]) = Downward_projection(Integer) = Integer
So, U = Integer
A1' = ? extends Integer
6.3. So, Downward_projection([A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object]) = A<? extends Integer>
7. So we return to the calculation of upward projection.
L = A<? super Integer>
A1' = ? super L = ? super A<? extends Integer>
8. Upward_projection(A< [A<? extends Y1> <: CAP <: Object] ) = A<A1'> = A<? super A<? extends Integer>>
Type of varValue is inferred as A<? super A<? extends Integer>>
- relates to
JDK-8191893 Upward projection result is A<? super A<? extends Integer>> instead of A<? super A<? super Object>>
- Closed