Resolution: Delivered
The following pre-1.2 deprecated `java.lang.SecurityManager` methods and fields that were marked forRemoval=true have been removed:
* `inCheck` field
* `getInCheck` method
* `classDepth` method
* `classLoaderDepth` method
* `currentClassLoader` method
* `currentLoadedClass` method
* `inClass` method
* `inClassLoader` method
In addition, the deprecated `checkMemberAccess` method has been changed to throw a `SecurityException` if the caller has not been granted `AllPermission`. This method is error-prone and users should instead invoke the `checkPermission` method directly.
* `inCheck` field
* `getInCheck` method
* `classDepth` method
* `classLoaderDepth` method
* `currentClassLoader` method
* `currentLoadedClass` method
* `inClass` method
* `inClassLoader` method
In addition, the deprecated `checkMemberAccess` method has been changed to throw a `SecurityException` if the caller has not been granted `AllPermission`. This method is error-prone and users should instead invoke the `checkPermission` method directly.