At the bottom of the Method Summary section there is a series of tables that describe methods that are inherited from (or are declared in) superclasses in superinterfaces.
The tables here that list methods from interfaces erroneously include static methods from those interfaces. This is incorrect, as static interface methods aren't inherited.
See snapshot image for example. (This is from the javadoc build for JDK10-ea+33, the java.util.Properties class.) This shows several of() methods and the ofEntries() method being declared in Map, which isn't correct, since these are static interface methods.
The tables here that list methods from interfaces erroneously include static methods from those interfaces. This is incorrect, as static interface methods aren't inherited.
See snapshot image for example. (This is from the javadoc build for JDK10-ea+33, the java.util.Properties class.) This shows several of() methods and the ofEntries() method being declared in Map, which isn't correct, since these are static interface methods.