Javadoc now supports multiple stylesheets. A new command-line argument --add-stylesheet is introduced and the existing option -stylesheetfile will have a new alias --main-stylesheet.
--add-stylesheet <path>
The option can be used one or more times to specify additional stylesheets to be included in the documentation.
Javadoc command-line example:
javadoc --add-stylesheet new_stylesheet_1.css --add-stylesheet new_stylesheet_2.css pkg_foo
-stylesheetfile <path> or --main-stylesheet <path>
In addition, the existing -stylesheetfile option will have an alias --main-stylesheet, with --main-stylesheet being the preferred form.
Javadoc command-line example:
javadoc --main-stylesheet main_stylesheet.css pkg_foo
The issueJDK-8185371 mentions the changes in detail. We need to document this new feature.
--add-stylesheet <path>
The option can be used one or more times to specify additional stylesheets to be included in the documentation.
Javadoc command-line example:
javadoc --add-stylesheet new_stylesheet_1.css --add-stylesheet new_stylesheet_2.css pkg_foo
-stylesheetfile <path> or --main-stylesheet <path>
In addition, the existing -stylesheetfile option will have an alias --main-stylesheet, with --main-stylesheet being the preferred form.
Javadoc command-line example:
javadoc --main-stylesheet main_stylesheet.css pkg_foo
The issue
- relates to
JDK-8185371 Support for multiple stylesheets in javadoc
- Resolved