Resolution: Fixed
JDK6u191b01(64bit) Windows8.1 x64
Testsuite name: CTE Regressions manual
Test name(s):CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4678735/Test4678735.java
JDK/JRE tested: jdk6u191b01(jdk-6u191-ea-windows-x64.exe)
OS/architecture: Windows 8.1 x64
Case Instruction:
1. Open 3 terminal/dos prompt window and goto the following directory in each of them
2. In one window execute the following command
3. In another window execute the following command
C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_191\bin\java TestServer 10000
Wait for 1 minute
4. In other window execute the following command
C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_191\bin\java TestClient
5. You will see following kind of output
Start the test, running for 10 times...
Elapsed time: ###.### s
Average time: ##.### s
6. Follow the steps 2, 3 and 4 with unfixed version of jdk
(for 1.4.2_xx testing use 1.4.2 fcs)
(for 1.5.x_xx testing use 1.5.x fcs)
(for any development release can use any previous builds
or skip the test by pressing 'pass' button)
7. Look at the outputs get from TestClient process
If the values you see in step 5 is less than those from step 7 - test PASSED otherwise test FAILED
Press Control+c to stop rmiregistry and TestServer process Close all the windows opened in step 1
Press 'pass' if it passed otherwise press 'fail'
Actual behavior:
Step3,Execute the command,the terminal thrown the exception,the detail refer to Test4678735.jpg.
Test name(s):CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4678735/Test4678735.java
JDK/JRE tested: jdk6u191b01(jdk-6u191-ea-windows-x64.exe)
OS/architecture: Windows 8.1 x64
Case Instruction:
1. Open 3 terminal/dos prompt window and goto the following directory in each of them
2. In one window execute the following command
3. In another window execute the following command
C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_191\bin\java TestServer 10000
Wait for 1 minute
4. In other window execute the following command
C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_191\bin\java TestClient
5. You will see following kind of output
Start the test, running for 10 times...
Elapsed time: ###.### s
Average time: ##.### s
6. Follow the steps 2, 3 and 4 with unfixed version of jdk
(for 1.4.2_xx testing use 1.4.2 fcs)
(for 1.5.x_xx testing use 1.5.x fcs)
(for any development release can use any previous builds
or skip the test by pressing 'pass' button)
7. Look at the outputs get from TestClient process
If the values you see in step 5 is less than those from step 7 - test PASSED otherwise test FAILED
Press Control+c to stop rmiregistry and TestServer process Close all the windows opened in step 1
Press 'pass' if it passed otherwise press 'fail'
Actual behavior:
Step3,Execute the command,the terminal thrown the exception,the detail refer to Test4678735.jpg.