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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8195811

Support FX Swing interop using public API


      FX Swing interop, which comprises JFXPanel and SwingNode, requires tight coupling between the Swing classes in the java.desktop module and the FX classes in the javafx.swing module.

      The following internal packages are exported from java.desktop to javafx.swing:

      exports java.awt.dnd.peer to javafx.swing;
      exports sun.awt to javafx.swing;
      exports sun.awt.dnd to javafx.swing;
      exports sun.awt.image to javafx.swing;
      exports sun.java2d to javafx.swing;
      exports sun.swing to javafx.swing;

      As part of an overall effort to reduce or eliminate the use of internal packages from core module by javafx.* modules, we need to limit the use of internal interfaces to those that really are needed, and then formalize these interfaces so we have a more robust solution.

            psadhukhan Prasanta Sadhukhan
            kcr Kevin Rushforth
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            8 Start watching this issue
