Resolution: Fixed
jfx11, 9, 10
Windows 10 version 1709
To reproduce, run the attached test program on a Windows 10 system with the Windows 10 1709 (the Fall Creators update) with screen scale set to 125% or greater. It will fail to move the mouse to the correct location.
To compile it, you need the following flag:
javac --add-exports javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui=ALL-UNNAMED SimpleFXRobotTest.java
Before you run it, move your mouse to a corner of the screen.
Note that at least one FX Robot-based test, TabPaneDragPolicyTest, also fails in the same way.
This seems to be a bug introduced by Microsoft in Windows 10 in the mouse_move function.
I note that AWT robot also fails similarly.
To compile it, you need the following flag:
javac --add-exports javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui=ALL-UNNAMED SimpleFXRobotTest.java
Before you run it, move your mouse to a corner of the screen.
Note that at least one FX Robot-based test, TabPaneDragPolicyTest, also fails in the same way.
This seems to be a bug introduced by Microsoft in Windows 10 in the mouse_move function.
I note that AWT robot also fails similarly.
- relates to
JDK-8213573 MouseLocationOnScreenTest fails intermittently
- Resolved
JDK-8196030 AWT Robot mouseMove fails on Windows 10 1709 with HiDPI
- Resolved