Resolution: Fixed
from Ludovic HOCHET:
launcher_fr.properties still has non doubled single quotes ', which
breaks MessageFormat parameters replacement, as well as the display of
single quotes (they are not displayed) making the text odd to read.
"afficher l'écran d'accueil avec l'image indiquée"
is equivalent to "afficher l\u0027\u00E9cran d\u0027accueil avec
l\u0027image indiqu\u00E9e"
but should be changed to be "afficher l\u0027\u0027\u00E9cran
d\u0027\u0027accueil avec l\u0027\u0027image indiqu\u00E9e" for
MessageFormat to work properly.
By odd to read I meant that this sample is currently displayed as
"afficher lécran daccueil avec limage indiquée".
launcher_fr.properties still has non doubled single quotes ', which
breaks MessageFormat parameters replacement, as well as the display of
single quotes (they are not displayed) making the text odd to read.
"afficher l'écran d'accueil avec l'image indiquée"
is equivalent to "afficher l\u0027\u00E9cran d\u0027accueil avec
l\u0027image indiqu\u00E9e"
but should be changed to be "afficher l\u0027\u0027\u00E9cran
d\u0027\u0027accueil avec l\u0027\u0027image indiqu\u00E9e" for
MessageFormat to work properly.
By odd to read I meant that this sample is currently displayed as
"afficher lécran daccueil avec limage indiquée".