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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8196913

javadoc does not (over)write stylesheet.css


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 11
    • 9
    • tools
    • b16
    • Verified

        javadoc does not write stylesheet.css if such a file already exists in the output directory.

        This means it does not get updated correctly if it is different from the version that would be written by javadoc.

        $ more $(find play/stylesheet/src/ -name \*.java) play/stylesheet/run.sh
        package p;

         * This is a test.
        public class Test { }


        mkdir -p play/stylesheet/api
        echo "BAD" > play/stylesheet/api/stylesheet.css
        $jdk/bin/javadoc -d play/stylesheet/api -sourcepath play/stylesheet/src p
        grep "BAD" play/stylesheet/api/stylesheet.css

        $ sh play/stylesheet/run.sh
        Loading source files for package p...
        Constructing Javadoc information...
        javadoc: warning - You have not specified the version of HTML to use.
        The default is currently HTML 4.01, but this will change to HTML5
        in a future release. To suppress this warning, please specify the
        version of HTML used in your documentation comments and to be
        generated by this doclet, using the -html4 or -html5 options.
        Standard Doclet version 11-internal
        Building tree for all the packages and classes...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/p/Test.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/p/package-frame.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/p/package-summary.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/p/package-tree.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/constant-values.html...
        Building index for all the packages and classes...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/overview-tree.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/index-all.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/deprecated-list.html...
        Building index for all classes...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/allclasses-frame.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/allclasses-frame.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/allclasses-noframe.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/allclasses-noframe.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/index.html...
        Generating play/stylesheet/api/help-doc.html...
        1 warning

              pmuthuswamy Priya Lakshmi Muthuswamy (Inactive)
              jjg Jonathan Gibbons
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
