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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8198408

[lworld] Javac rejects more involved attempts to update value fields using withfield


    • generic
    • generic

      As of this commit: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/valhalla/valhalla/rev/f039363534f3
      javac rejects attempts to update the final instance fields of a value class (made from a method in the same nest) if the field is not a member of local variable object.

      Basically, after withfield produces a copy on the attempted write, we need to "write back" the updated value instance somewhere.

      This requires a mutable handle of which the field undergoing update is a field.

      This means that the following various attempts are legal/illegal as annotated.

      __ByValue final class A {
          final int x = 10;
          void foo(A a, final A fa) {
              a.x = 100; // OK.
              (a).x = 100; // OK.
              fa.x = 100; // Error.
              x = 100; // Error, this is const.
              this.x = 100; // Error.
              A.this.x = 100; // Error.

      So far it looks reasonable.

      But presently, javac also insists that the field should be a member of an object which is a local variable.

      This means that some of the code below is rejected, though they should perhaps not be:

      class P {
          A[] ca = new A[1];
          A foo() {
              return __MakeDefault A();
      __ByValue final class A {
          final int y = i();
          final int x = 10;

          int i() {
              return 10;

          __ByValue final class B {
              final A a = __MakeDefault A();

          __ByValue final class C {
              final B b = __MakeDefault B();

          __ByValue final class D {
              final C c = __MakeDefault C();

              void withfield(D d, final D fd) {
                  P p = new P();
                  p.ca[0].x = 40; // Not allowed now, but perhaps should be
                  p.foo().x = 50; // Error: can't write back to constant expression.
                  d.c.b.a.x = 11; // Not allowed now, but perhaps should be
                  fd.c.b.a.x = 11; // oops, can't write back to final parameter.

      The cases tagged // Not allowed now, but perhaps should be
      need to be looked into.

      This would involve a fair bit of new type of complexity - the expression stacks sometimes won't have the information needed to write back.

            sadayapalam Srikanth Adayapalam (Inactive)
            sadayapalam Srikanth Adayapalam (Inactive)
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