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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8200192

Verify exported symbols in java.desktop


    • 2d

      As part of JDK-8200178, I was asked to file a bug detailing all "suspicious" code I found related to exported symbols. Here is the list for java.desktop. Note that "suspicious" might just be something I misunderstood, not a definite cause for action.

      In libawt:
       * On linux, *all* symbols are exported!
       * The following methods do not have name that makes it clear that they are exported. Is this correct? The symbols are:
         img_makePalette, make_uns_ordered_dither_array, initInverseGrayLut, make_dither_arrays, doFillPath, doDrawPath.
       * The following global variables are exported (exporting global variables is not recommended):
          jvm, g_CMpDataID, colorValueID, std_img_oda_red, img_oda_green, std_img_oda_blue, std_odas_computed, mul8table, div8table, path2DTypesID, path2DNumTypesID, path2DWindingRuleID, path2DFloatCoordsID, sg2dStrokeHintID, sunHints_INTVAL_STROKE_PURE.
       * Despite the name, the symbol SurfaceData_DisposeOps is not exported. Is it unused?

      In libfreetype:
       * All symbols are exported on all Unix platforms!

            aivanov Alexey Ivanov
            ihse Magnus Ihse Bursie
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