Output of javapackager -deploy -verbose -native native ... prints:
Using default package resource [icon] (add package/windows/AppNameHere.ico to the class path to customize)
Using default package resource [Template for creating executable properties file.] (add package/windows\AppNameHere.properties to the class path to customize)
but '-classpath' is not allowed with '-deploy' (it *is* listed as an option for other commands):
Exception in thread "main" com.sun.javafx.tools.packager.PackagerException: Error: Unknown argument: -classpath
It is not clear how to customize the installer.
Using default package resource [icon] (add package/windows/AppNameHere.ico to the class path to customize)
Using default package resource [Template for creating executable properties file.] (add package/windows\AppNameHere.properties to the class path to customize)
but '-classpath' is not allowed with '-deploy' (it *is* listed as an option for other commands):
Exception in thread "main" com.sun.javafx.tools.packager.PackagerException: Error: Unknown argument: -classpath
It is not clear how to customize the installer.