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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8194554 filterArguments runs multiple filters in the wrong order
  3. JDK-8201497

Release Note: filterArguments Runs Multiple Filters in the Wrong Order


        The specification of the method `java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.filterArguments` was clarified to state more clearly that filter arguments are invoked in left to right order. The implementation of this method was also fixed to ensure that it conformed to the specification. Prior to the fix, the implementation incorrectly invoked filters in right to left order. For the majority of usages, it is expected that the change in behavior will not be observable. Only in a minority of cases, where two or more filters have side-effects that affect their results, will the change in behavior be observable.

              psandoz Paul Sandoz
              psandoz Paul Sandoz
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