In src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiTagMap.cpp, JvmtiTagHashmapEntry::equals(..) we need an equals barrier.
In the same file, in the hash() function, it's converting the plain oop to an integer. The oop should better be resolved to a stable value there.
Finally, in jvmtiExport.cpp, in JvmtiObjectAllocEventMark, we're missing an CH::obj_size() call instead of the 'raw' obj->size(), which is needed to make size reported by the callback and by GetObjectSize() consistent.
In the same file, in the hash() function, it's converting the plain oop to an integer. The oop should better be resolved to a stable value there.
Finally, in jvmtiExport.cpp, in JvmtiObjectAllocEventMark, we're missing an CH::obj_size() call instead of the 'raw' obj->size(), which is needed to make size reported by the callback and by GetObjectSize() consistent.