The function os::obsolete_option is an old mechanism to allow per-platform management of -X flags that are obsolete. It is empty except on Solaris where we have four obsolete options listed:
-Xt // enable tracing
-Xmt // enable method tracing
Other than maxjitcodesize these flags have not existed for many years and have been marked as obsolete on Solaris since at least 1.4.0 back in 2002! I think it is time to get rid of these entries, and to remove this mechanism as we don't need it any more.
-Xmaxcodejitsize is actually still a live flag (despite apparently being obsolete in 2002!) and is an alias for -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize. It is processed before the check for obsolete_option so is actually accepted on all platforms. It should probably be cleaned up as a separate RFE and further it is incorrectly documented!
-Xt // enable tracing
-Xmt // enable method tracing
Other than maxjitcodesize these flags have not existed for many years and have been marked as obsolete on Solaris since at least 1.4.0 back in 2002! I think it is time to get rid of these entries, and to remove this mechanism as we don't need it any more.
-Xmaxcodejitsize is actually still a live flag (despite apparently being obsolete in 2002!) and is an alias for -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize. It is processed before the check for obsolete_option so is actually accepted on all platforms. It should probably be cleaned up as a separate RFE and further it is incorrectly documented!
- relates to
JDK-8213762 The -Xmaxjitcodesize flag may be due for removal and is incorrectly documented
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