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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8213915

jdeps --print-module-deps should report missing dependences


    • Icon: CSR CSR
    • Resolution: Approved
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 12
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      jdeps --print-module-deps reports an error if any dependence is not found.
      Previously, it silently ignores the missing dependences.

      It will report all modules transitively required by the application.
      jdeps --print-module-deps reports an error if any dependence is not found. Previously, it silently ignores the missing dependences. It will report all modules transitively required by the application.
    • add/remove/modify command line option
    • JDK


      Change jdeps --print-module-deps, --list-deps, and --list-reduce-deps options to do transitive dependence analysis by default. In addition, if any dependences are not found, these options will report as an error.

      Three new options are added:

      1. --ignore-missing-deps option to suppress missing dependence error.
      2. --missing-deps option is a convenient filtering option that finds the missing dependences
      3. --no-recursive option to restore the non-transitive behavior. -R and -recursive are the existing options to request transitive behavor. This CSR also adds a corresponding GNU-style long term --recursive to make this list of options consistent.


      jdeps --print-module-deps finds the modules required by the specified application. Its result can be used to create a runtime image for such application to run. The current behavior does not report missing dependences. In addition, --print-module-deps only reports module dependences required by app.jar. To include the transitive module dependences required by libs, if referenced, -R option can be used.

      The application may fail to run on the runtime image created by the output from jdeps --print-module-deps since missing dependences or the libraries on class path are not analyzed. The user won't find out until it creates the image and run the tests to verify.


      Improve the default behavior of jdeps --print-module-deps, --list-deps, and --list-reduce-deps options:

      • report missing dependences as an error so that users can ensure all dependences are found. The --ignore-missing-deps option can be used to ignore missing deps.
      • do transitive dependence analysis


      Module dependence analysis options:
        --list-deps                   Lists the module dependences.  It also prints
                                      any internal API packages if referenced.
                                      This option transitively analyzes libraries on
                                      class path and module path if referenced.
                                      Use --no-recursive option for non-transitive
                                      dependency analysis.
        --list-reduced-deps           Same as --list-deps with not listing
                                      the implied reads edges from the module graph.
                                      If module M1 reads M2, and M2 requires
                                      transitive on M3, then M1 reading M3 is implied
                                      and is not shown in the graph.
        --print-module-deps           Same as --list-reduced-deps with printing
                                      a comma-separated list of module dependences.
                                      This output can be used by jlink --add-modules
                                      in order to create a custom image containing
                                      those modules and their transitive dependences.
        --ignore-missing-deps         Ignore missing dependences.
      Options to filter dependences:
        --missing-deps                Finds missing dependences.  This option
                                      cannot be used with -p, -e and -s options.
        --recursive                   Recursively traverse all run-time dependences.
                                      The -R option implies -filter:none.  If -p,
                                      -e, -f option is specified, only the matching
                                      dependences are analyzed.
        --no-recursive                Do not recursively traverse dependences.

      Diff on the help message:

      diff --git a/src/jdk.jdeps/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdeps/resources/jdeps.properties b/src/jdk.jdeps/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdeps/resources/jdeps.properties
      --- a/src/jdk.jdeps/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdeps/resources/jdeps.properties
      +++ b/src/jdk.jdeps/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdeps/resources/jdeps.properties
      @@ -57,6 +57,13 @@
       \                                name (may be given multiple times). --package,\n\
       \                                --regex, --require are mutual exclusive.
      +\  --missing-deps                Finds missing dependences.  This option\n\
      +\                                cannot be used with -p, -e and -s options.
      +\  --ignore-missing-deps         Ignore missing dependences.
        \Options to filter classes to be analyzed:\n\
       \  -include <regex>              Restrict analysis to classes matching pattern\n\
      @@ -86,13 +93,18 @@
       \                                Adds modules to the root set for analysis
      -\  -R       -recursive           Recursively traverse all run-time dependences.\n\
      +\  -R\n\
      +\  --recursive                   Recursively traverse all run-time dependences.\n\
       \                                The -R option implies -filter:none.  If -p,\n\
       \                                -e, -f option is specified, only the matching\n\
       \                                dependences are analyzed.
      +\  --no-recursive                Do not recursively traverse dependences.
      @@ -157,9 +169,11 @@
       \  --list-deps                   Lists the module dependences.  It also prints\n\
      -\                                any JDK internal API packages if referenced.\n\
      -\                                This option does not show dependences on the\n\
      -\                                class path or not found.
      +\                                any internal API packages if referenced.\n\
      +\                                This option transitively analyzes libraries on\n\
      +\                                class path and module path if referenced.\n\
      +\                                Use --no-recursive option for non-transitive\n\
      +\                                dependency analysis.

            mchung Mandy Chung (Inactive)
            mchung Mandy Chung (Inactive)
            Alan Bateman
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
