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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8214252

Expanded & Collapsed nodes of a JTree look the same on GTK3


    • b08

        Test name: SwingSet2.jar
        Product(s) tested: JDK8u202 b04(64bit) , JDK12b21
        OS/architecture:Oel7.5 uek x64
        VM Options:-Djdk.gtk.version=3 -Djdk.gtk.verbose=true

        1. Run the demo with the gtk version set at command line to 2 and then to 3.
        2. Compare the rendering of the JTree demo when clicking to expand or collapse the tree.
        Expected: Tree is shown the same with the scrollbar track being visible.
        Actual: on GTK3.0 the same icon shows on expanded and collapsed tree node.

        Seen on jdk8u202b04 as well as jdkb12.

              pbansal Pankaj Bansal (Inactive)
              smandalika Srinivas Mandalika
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
