This issue is reproducible on OS X 10.13.6 with pkg installer.
Following command line is used to run jpackage:
create-installer pkg --input input --output output --name JPackageCreateInstallerInstallDirTest --main-jar hello.jar --class Hello --force --files hello.jar --install-dir /Applications/jpackage
Installation works, but application sub-folder "jpackage" inside /Application will only have access for root and thus user cannot launch application.
Following command line is used to run jpackage:
create-installer pkg --input input --output output --name JPackageCreateInstallerInstallDirTest --main-jar hello.jar --class Hello --force --files hello.jar --install-dir /Applications/jpackage
Installation works, but application sub-folder "jpackage" inside /Application will only have access for root and thus user cannot launch application.