The existing behavior is that the temporary output directoru (either default or as specified by "--build-root" argument) will be retained when either debug or verbose is set (debug is set by ENV variable JPACKAGE_DEBUG, and verbose is set by including the command line option --verbose).
We have agreed that this overloading of verbose option(or debug env variable) is not desired and will change it as follows:
1.) Retain the contents of the temporary output directory if it's location is set by the "--build-root" option. (Do not retain if default temp directory is created)
2.) Expand the meaning of the "--force" argument to allow overwriting both the output root directory and the temporary output directory.
We have agreed that this overloading of verbose option(or debug env variable) is not desired and will change it as follows:
1.) Retain the contents of the temporary output directory if it's location is set by the "--build-root" option. (Do not retain if default temp directory is created)
2.) Expand the meaning of the "--force" argument to allow overwriting both the output root directory and the temporary output directory.
- relates to
JDK-8216373 temporary build-root left behind when using secondary launcher(s)
- Resolved