Deprecate the -XX:FailOverToOldVerifier option. This option was added in JDK-6 to help with migration to the split verifier and its requirement for stackmaps. There is little need for this option anymore.
The FailOverToOldVerifier option only affects class file version 50 and allows those classes to get verified by the inference verifier if they fail verification with the split verifier. The current default is to allow the fail over. It is doubtful that any users explicitly request not to fail over. So, since this antiquated option no longer has a purpose, it should be deprecated and support for it removed.
Deprecate the option and continue to allow classes with class file version 50 to fail over to the inference verifier.
Users will now get the following message when running: 'java -XX:+FailOverToOldVerifier ...'
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option FailOverToOldVerifier was deprecated in version 13.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
Deprecate the -XX:FailOverToOldVerifier option in JDK-13 and issue the above warning message when the option is used.
- csr of
JDK-8218995 Deprecate the -XX:FailOverToOldVerifier option
- Resolved