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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8220528

[AIX] Fix basic Xinerama and Xrender functionality


    • b14
    • aix

        It appears that Xinerama and Xrender support has never ever been functional on AIX.

        The fixed version can be tested as follows:

        Simulate a multi-screen environment on my Linux box with Xephyr:

        $ Xephyr +xinerama -screen 1024x768 -screen 1024x768+1024+0 -ac -listen tcp :1

        Started a Swing application from AIX where you redirect the DISPLAY to myhost:1:

        $ DISPLAY=myhost:1 ./images/jdk/bin/java -showversion -Dsun.awt.nativedebug=true -Dawtdebug.trace=true -Dawtdebug.on=true -Dawtdebug.ctrace=true -cp ~/Java HelloSwing

        The various debug properties will lead to the following output:

        openjdk version "13-internal" 2019-09-17
        OpenJDK Runtime Environment (slowdebug build 13-internal+0-adhoc.xxx.jdk-jdk)
        OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (slowdebug build 13-internal+0-adhoc.xxx.jdk-jdk, mixed mode)
        Xinerama extension is available
        calling XineramaQueryScreens func
        Enabling Xinerama support
         num screens = 2
        allocating 2 screens

        The Swing frame will appear on one of the Xinerama screens and can be move with the mouse between the two available screens.

              clanger Christoph Langer
              simonis Volker Simonis
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              2 Start watching this issue
