Issue for collecting API fixes for OpenJFX13:
1. TableColumn#cellFactoryProperty: "editing.There" missing space (Fixed)
2. Scene: "If a resizable node (layout Region or Control is set as the root, then" missing ')' (Fixed)
3. Stylesheet is missing some methods documentation (missed in presumably).
4. getClassCssMetaData() and getControlCssMetaData() are missing docs in all (or almost all) of the classes. (Deferred toJDK-8227764)
5. Border and BorderStroke have missing method descriptions. This is because {@inheritDoc} does not work for methods inherited from the JDK since its source is not specified. Probably more classes are affected. (Deferred to JDK-8227765)
6. JavaBeanXxxPropertyBuilder: "you can reuse a JavaBeanXxxPropertyBuilder. by switching" unneeded '.' (Fixed)
7. JavaBeanXxxPropertyBuilder#bean, #name and #create methods are missing a period. (Fixed)
8. Border: "getInsets() are used" should be "insets". (Fixed + other corrections)
9. Border#getInsets: "The values in these outsets" should be "insets". (Fixed)
10. TransformationList class doc is missing a period at the end. (Fixed)
11. StackPane: code example has missing quotes: `new Label("Go!)` -> `new Label("Go!")` (GitHub #471) (Fixed)
12. TextFlow class doc:
a. "plus it own width" -> "plus its own width"
b. "due to wrapping and the visual location of Text node can differ" -> "due to wrapping, and the visual location of the Text node can differ"
c. "Any other Node, rather than Text, will be treated as embedded object" -> "Any Node, other than Text, will be treated as an embedded object"
d. "inside of a TextFlow some its properties" -> "inside of a TextFlow, some of its properties"
(Fixed all)
13. Text class:
a. missing method docs for: caretBias, caretPosition, caretShape, selectionEnd, selectionShape and selectionStart. These properties are delegates from getTextAttribute() so the JavaDoc tool does not generate them automatically. (Fixed)
b. wrappingWidth's first sentence description is malformed. (Fixed)
c. fontSmoothingType has a space before ':'. (Fixed)
14. ChangeListener#change has a bad first sentence. Possibly, the 1st and 2nd sentences should be switched. (Fixed)
15. Animation#currentRateProperty: "currentRate may also point to different direction during reverse cycles when autoReverse is true" should be "a different" and a period. (Fixed)
16. Color is missing a period in its constructor doc. (Fixed)
17. Labeled#textAlignmentProperty(): "when text is multiline Unlike" missing period after "multiline". (Fixed)
18. DisplacementMap class doc has " " strings and the code example has extra empty lines. (Fixed)
19.JDK-8227655 (Fixed)
20. Image and WriteableImage have constructors with "Construct" instead of "Constructs". ( (Fixed)
21. PixelFormat<T> is missing an @param description tag for T ( (Fixed)
22. Node#blenMode: "is treated as pass-though this means" missing comma or period (Fixed)
23. JavaBeanXxxPropertyBuilders use "Create" and "Set" instead of "Creates" and "Sets". There are also unneeded commas. (Fixed)
24. ObservableValue class doc: "They do not generate anymore invalidation events until...": anymore --> any more, or move "anymore" after "events" (Fixed)
1. TableColumn#cellFactoryProperty: "editing.There" missing space (Fixed)
2. Scene: "If a resizable node (layout Region or Control is set as the root, then" missing ')' (Fixed)
3. Stylesheet is missing some methods documentation (missed in presumably).
4. getClassCssMetaData() and getControlCssMetaData() are missing docs in all (or almost all) of the classes. (Deferred to
5. Border and BorderStroke have missing method descriptions. This is because {@inheritDoc} does not work for methods inherited from the JDK since its source is not specified. Probably more classes are affected. (Deferred to JDK-8227765)
6. JavaBeanXxxPropertyBuilder: "you can reuse a JavaBeanXxxPropertyBuilder. by switching" unneeded '.' (Fixed)
7. JavaBeanXxxPropertyBuilder#bean, #name and #create methods are missing a period. (Fixed)
8. Border: "getInsets() are used" should be "insets". (Fixed + other corrections)
9. Border#getInsets: "The values in these outsets" should be "insets". (Fixed)
10. TransformationList class doc is missing a period at the end. (Fixed)
11. StackPane: code example has missing quotes: `new Label("Go!)` -> `new Label("Go!")` (GitHub #471) (Fixed)
12. TextFlow class doc:
a. "plus it own width" -> "plus its own width"
b. "due to wrapping and the visual location of Text node can differ" -> "due to wrapping, and the visual location of the Text node can differ"
c. "Any other Node, rather than Text, will be treated as embedded object" -> "Any Node, other than Text, will be treated as an embedded object"
d. "inside of a TextFlow some its properties" -> "inside of a TextFlow, some of its properties"
(Fixed all)
13. Text class:
a. missing method docs for: caretBias, caretPosition, caretShape, selectionEnd, selectionShape and selectionStart. These properties are delegates from getTextAttribute() so the JavaDoc tool does not generate them automatically. (Fixed)
b. wrappingWidth's first sentence description is malformed. (Fixed)
c. fontSmoothingType has a space before ':'. (Fixed)
14. ChangeListener#change has a bad first sentence. Possibly, the 1st and 2nd sentences should be switched. (Fixed)
15. Animation#currentRateProperty: "currentRate may also point to different direction during reverse cycles when autoReverse is true" should be "a different" and a period. (Fixed)
16. Color is missing a period in its constructor doc. (Fixed)
17. Labeled#textAlignmentProperty(): "when text is multiline Unlike" missing period after "multiline". (Fixed)
18. DisplacementMap class doc has " " strings and the code example has extra empty lines. (Fixed)
20. Image and WriteableImage have constructors with "Construct" instead of "Constructs". ( (Fixed)
21. PixelFormat<T> is missing an @param description tag for T ( (Fixed)
22. Node#blenMode: "is treated as pass-though this means" missing comma or period (Fixed)
23. JavaBeanXxxPropertyBuilders use "Create" and "Set" instead of "Creates" and "Sets". There are also unneeded commas. (Fixed)
24. ObservableValue class doc: "They do not generate anymore invalidation events until...": anymore --> any more, or move "anymore" after "events" (Fixed)
- duplicates
JDK-8227655 Incorrectly documented @defaultValue for Animation.cycleCount
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-8229472 Deprecate for removal JavaBeanXxxPropertyBuilders constructors
- Resolved
JDK-8227767 Generated HTML JavaDoc should have the same font as the JDK docs
- Closed
JDK-8227765 {@inheritDoc} does not work for methods inherited from the JDK
- Open
JDK-8227764 Missing docs for getClassCssMetaData() and getControlCssMetaData()
- Closed
- links to
(1 links to)