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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8221535

add steal tick related information to hs_error file [linux]


    • b16
    • generic
    • linux

        Recent Linux kernels provide so called "steal" information, see the the proc man page :

        "there is an eighth column, steal - stolen time, which is the time spent in other operating systems when running in a virtualized environment"

        The info is useful when looking into performance bottlenecks (especially in virtualized environments), so it should be added to the hs_err file .
        For example (shows number of steal ticks, and the percentage of steal to total ticks) :

        Steal ticks from vm start: 4
        Steal ticks percentage from vm start: 0.002

              mbaesken Matthias Baesken
              mbaesken Matthias Baesken
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