The fix for JDK-6762191 and JDK-8177015 forced the stack size to be 32K, 64K for pthread_create in CallJavaMainInNewThread, if users specified a small value with -Xss. That fixed majority of cases except one: -Xss0, since hotspot would handle "0" as a special input when telling if it is an acceptable stack size (not too small), -Xss0 will pass the checking logic of Arguments::parse_xss safely, arrive at os::Posix::set_minimum_stack_sizandes() in os_posix.cpp or the similar function in os_windows.cpp, then "stack_size_in_bytes != 0 " would indicate that users might need a default size, instead of a JNI_ERR. Finally, the os::stack_shadow_pages_available will fail and
throw StackOverflowError.
> java -Xss0
Error occurred during initialization of VM
at java.lang.Object.<clinit>(java.base/
> java -Xss1
The Java thread stack size specified is too small. Specify at least 136k
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Verified on CentOS with one of my Ampere aarch64 platforms and a couple of x86 systems.
A possible fix could be: do not write threadStackSize if it is 0, and ask for hotspot's help (JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs in jni.cpp) to provide a reasonable value, if cannot get a valid one, force a bigger value to ensure the safety.
AddOption(char *str, void *info)
if (threadStackSize < (jlong)STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM) {
threadStackSize = STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM;
ContinueInNewThread(InvocationFunctions* ifn, jlong threadStackSize,
if (threadStackSize == 0) {
struct JDK1_1InitArgs args1_1;
memset((void*)&args1_1, 0, sizeof(args1_1));
args1_1.version = JNI_VERSION_1_1;
ifn->GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs(&args1_1); /* ignore return value */
if (args1_1.javaStackSize > 0) {
threadStackSize = args1_1.javaStackSize;
throw StackOverflowError.
> java -Xss0
Error occurred during initialization of VM
at java.lang.Object.<clinit>(java.base/
> java -Xss1
The Java thread stack size specified is too small. Specify at least 136k
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Verified on CentOS with one of my Ampere aarch64 platforms and a couple of x86 systems.
A possible fix could be: do not write threadStackSize if it is 0, and ask for hotspot's help (JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs in jni.cpp) to provide a reasonable value, if cannot get a valid one, force a bigger value to ensure the safety.
AddOption(char *str, void *info)
if (threadStackSize < (jlong)STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM) {
threadStackSize = STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM;
ContinueInNewThread(InvocationFunctions* ifn, jlong threadStackSize,
if (threadStackSize == 0) {
struct JDK1_1InitArgs args1_1;
memset((void*)&args1_1, 0, sizeof(args1_1));
args1_1.version = JNI_VERSION_1_1;
ifn->GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs(&args1_1); /* ignore return value */
if (args1_1.javaStackSize > 0) {
threadStackSize = args1_1.javaStackSize;
- relates to
JDK-8177015 STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM of 32k is not always enough for Mac OS X
- Resolved
JDK-6762191 Setting stack size to 16K causes segmentation fault
- Resolved