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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8223660

jtreg: Decouple Unsafe from RTM tests


    • b23
    • generic
    • linux

        Making RTM tests dependent on Unsafe native methods turns the jtreg RTM tests brittle. The native methods in Unsafe are used by the RTM tests as transactional abort provokers so the tests can abort a transaction in a controlled way to see if JVM is responding correctly.

        This is the second time the RTM tests are broken because the native method they rely on is converted to a non-native method.

        As such a trend (from native to non-native) is really expected over time in the libraries, it's necessary to craft an isolated native lib only for the RTM tests so they don't break as the libraries evolve.

        The following tests are falling as consequence both on x86_64 and PPC64:

        FAILED: compiler/rtm/locking/TestRTMAbortRatio.java
        FAILED: compiler/rtm/locking/TestRTMAbortThreshold.java
        FAILED: compiler/rtm/locking/TestRTMAfterNonRTMDeopt.java
        FAILED: compiler/rtm/locking/TestRTMDeoptOnHighAbortRatio.java
        FAILED: compiler/rtm/locking/TestRTMDeoptOnLowAbortRatio.java
        FAILED: compiler/rtm/locking/TestRTMLockingCalculationDelay.java
        FAILED: compiler/rtm/locking/TestRTMLockingThreshold.java
        FAILED: compiler/rtm/locking/TestUseRTMDeopt.java
        FAILED: compiler/rtm/print/TestPrintPreciseRTMLockingStatistics.java

              gromero Gustavo Romero
              gromero Gustavo Romero
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