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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8225776

Optimize branch frequency of G1's write post-barrier in C2


    • gc
    • b09

      As stated in JDK-8130918, G1's write post-barrier is laid out in full in the critical path. We profiled the branching frequency using a custom post-barrier with DaCapo benchmarks, results are in the attached spreadsheet. There are two configs:
      "stress" - setting small heap size to stress GC;
      "8GHeap" - using 8G heap, so there is little GC happening.
      Key takeaways:
      1. Most writes cross region boundary;
      2. Most writes are of non-null values (not show in the profile);
      3. Most writes happen to young objects.

      We improvement the branching frequency and checked that the assembly code is laid out as expected. For this program:
      public class Demo {
        Demo o;
        void setDemo(Demo o) {
          this.o = o;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
          Demo o1 = new Demo();
          Demo o2 = new Demo();
          for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
      The generated assembly with and without the patch is attached.

      We have tested this patch in JDK11 with one of our important production workloads, and it gives 1% reduction in CPU-cost-per-query.

            manc Man Cao
            manc Man Cao
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